
I used to have a recurring nightmare as a teenager that I bought a mid-60's muscle car and then forgot where I stored it. I would ride my bike around town looking for it.

Used to listen to this with my dad while he reminisced about street racing as a kid. It's now his ring tone.

CP.. poor paint, ugly stacks, no info on history of the swap.. quality is questionable. Love me some diesel jeeps.. not this one, though.

Did I miss something? How do we know this was a woman?

Definitely. Lots of good times here crawling up those dunes in custom buggies, jeeps, and everything in-between.

Used to see a guy on I-295 between DC and Baltimore with that badging all the time. Mk4 Passat.

Every ship out there accumulates rust incredibly fast. The USN ones always look good because their skippers have the crew out there with needle guns and paint scraping off every piece of rust and flaking paint and covering it up with new paint. This usually happens right before a major port. I suspect that it's not

Road tripped my Grand Wagoneer this last weekend. Supremely comfortable floating tank; got 13mpg. Fine for a trip when the journey is the vacation. When I'm trying to get somewhere for the vacation, though, I'd rather be stuck in the TDI on the highway w/ the cruise set to 70mph and getting 47mpg.

Be upfront on everything (or at least most things) wrong with it. Last car I sold, I told the guy up front before the test drive every noticeable thing wrong with the car. It fosters some low-level trust that no one is trying to scam anyone, here. If the buyer has to fight you to get from you each thing wrong, then

Stop now if you don't care about Star Wars.

Sailor Jerry and Diet Coke / Coke Zero. To the kitchen!

Not to be pedantic, but shouldn't it be "I hand over the weekend Jalopnik keys"? As is, it reads like "I'm giving the keys to weekend jalopnik"

My first thought as well.

Have you see the forth-coming Double Cab Brute? Far too much money, but oh-so-pretty.

The Gladiator concept was built on a Ram frame. No existing Jeep frame could be used to build anything with a bed and passenger space greater than the 2 front seats. Long have I lusted after that truck right there. Finally gave up and bought a Brute.

This doesn't work as a real vehicle. The drive line screws it up. Draw a line from where you know the engine is sitting backwards and that bed becomes useless. It looks bad ass, though.