Ugh - wouldn’t that be awful? I’ve never gotten that feeling from either of them, but you never know what with Justin’s emerging religious devotion.
Ugh - wouldn’t that be awful? I’ve never gotten that feeling from either of them, but you never know what with Justin’s emerging religious devotion.
Infuriated hysterics make for a lively comments section.
And trauma. Don’t forget the trauma.
I throw decent parties, and I agree with everything you’ve described in the article. Definitely over-plan and over-deliver. I typically host cocktails/dinner + movie affairs at my place in Los Angeles. One important thing to remember is that certain friends will have little “special” needs; ie, who’s a vegetarian, who…
Cranky, whiny irascibility is not amusing when unambiguous, self-righteous outrage is the popular tone of the day.
I was 19 the first time an older man first hit on me. I was also sexually experienced at that age, and understood that I would not be attracted to at least half the people who were attracted to me (and vice-versa). So being able to put the kibosh on non-mutual amorous interest was a required skill. Totes consench is…
I think Justin & Selena’s reconciliation reflects their faith in the innocent belief that first love is true love. They have the youth and the money and the time to pursue that particular first-world dream. Personally I wish them well. (And OK I’d like to see how it plays out.)
the keys to the hangar
Maybe you present the recipient with a set of keys, like you might with a new car. But do airplanes use keys? Clearly I don’t travel in private jet circles.
Predator, meet Opportunist.
Sorry you’re so angry, but I’m just trying to recognize the parameters of real sexual assault. Real rape and real pedophilia are obscured when every legal adult who’s been subject to a fumbling drunken sexual pass claims the mantle of “victimhood.”
I dunno... there are some things – many things – I’d prefer to shrug off. An older dude getting handsy with me? C’est la vie, y’know what I’m sayin’? I’d like to avoid jumping on the “I’m A Victim” bandwagon for as long as possible, thanks.
I dunno... there are some things – many things – I’d prefer to shrug off. An older dude getting handsy with me? C’est la vie, y’know what I’m sayin’? I’d like to avoid jumping on the “I’m A Victim” bandwagon for as long as possible, thanks.
I am sympathetic to your position but I suspect it is a little over-passionate. That being said, I also don’t think it’s very different in tone from all the feminists bashing “male allies” on this site. There is perhaps a general, and significant emotional point to be made– but the wrong people are being targeted.…
Lawrence’s interview style struck me as a weird combination of both worshipful and antagonistic.
Thank you, and for the record I’m always open to correction around terminology, spelling and grammar. Interesting background info on Katharine Ross. Clearly no niece of Katharine Hepburn is going to stand for some joker wantonly grabbing her ass during a scene that doesn’t call for it.
In what universe is grabbing the ass of someone you barely know a way to “relax” them? What with the angry director and then Hoffman’s groping, poor Katherine must have felt that everyone on that set had turned against her.
Didn’t she? The writing, the characterization, the format, even the music and graphics. It’s one of the most brilliant self-promotional entertainment portfolios I’ve seen. Don’t know what kind of idiots they have running the studios but it’s preposterous the franchise didn’t immediately set her up to create an entire,…
Who’d a thunk?