you’re fucking awesome.
you’re fucking awesome.
it’s the new easter mermaid look!
Kinja’s been doing weird things on my end, too. For the past 3 days I’ve been unable to post – or even access comments – at all. I struggled hourly to suppress the thought, Arrrggghhh! I’ve been banned by Jezebel!
Jinni darling, you are from Xanadu, but I would like to propose that it’s Tom’s boisterously bulbous buttocks that transported you there in the first place. This entire lurid investigation into “prosthetics” is powered by denial: a massive, internet-wide inability to allow that Tom Cruise has still “got it.”
This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.
Agreed. Plastic surgery shade is never a good direction to take in conversation.
Like Jane Fonda’s going to share intimate details about her appearance with Judge Judy of FOXamerica. I don’t think so!
I’ve seen Fonda and Redford interviewed about their new film several times now. Am I the only one who’s noticed a kind of surly tension between the two? I get the feeling they don’t like each other very much. Redford’s rejection of feminism could be part of that animosity.
Or maybe stop kissing like wild animals, hmmmm? ;o)
For me, any kind of envy/competitiveness among friends is a sign that they’re too immature to understand how friendship works.
I think it’s kinda like cleavage. Scruff is a secondary sex characteristic that undeniably signals fertile masculinity like cleavage undeniably signals fertile femininity. It’s not very subtle or imaginative, but there you have it!
Looking at these two images, I find it interesting how the scruff is now de rigueur for television hotness.
Are there any fashionistas who can help me understand this issue? I have read that the sumptuous, regal patterns used by Versace– the opulent crests, the brocades, the filigree, the emphasis on golden heraldry, etc, were originally patterns popular among the working classes in Italy, recapitulated by Versace as high…
Thank you! If there is a category of people scrutinizing every frame of a children’s cartoon in a fastidious search for images of dicks, there will always be a category of people happy to oblige them with images of dicks.