
Thank you! I hope this signals the end of Jezebel’s Shit on Swift Festival. I din’t see the eternally blameless Kimye donating $250,000 clams to Kesha’s legal fees.

The best advice I ever got on friendship is “Friendships, like romantic relationships, have a lifespan of their own– the length of which no one can predict.”

I hate them so I’d make them a bag of my own vomit, but you still like them for some reason so you should go to Jo Ann’s and get a cute little piece of wood and some paint for $10 and draw a heart on it or some shit.

I stake my life on posting the truth! Always!

Me too! I’d prefer to see these outrageous Kylie Cosmetics retail sales numbers verified by a legitimate financial source but I’m too blithely non-interested to seek out confirmation on my own. I wonder if the sales reportage is just part of the we’re-so-beautiful/rich/successful marketing strategy.

So that’s why I’m no longer employed!!

I’m here because I’m smart, not because I’m young and gorgeous... although I am!- Judge Judy

Mmmm.... I would give that a try if I could: it sounds delicious! Unforch I am allergic to chocolate and thus relegated to the sad selection of chocolate-free desserts.

She looks like the only celebrity to cough up $250,000 clams to help Kesha “shake off” her legal fees.

They seem like a bunch of Italians, faking the English lyrics.

lez AWL get happy wif Kaffy.

Which Reese Witherspoon film is used in the lead gif?

Does anyone know which Reese Witherspoon film is used in the lead gif?

Ooooo, sounds like it might be good with some Blackstrap Molasses too.

I do too. Rock N’ Rolla is one of my favorite films.

Stay in your fucking LANE.

Diplo is a glorified DJ launched into notoriety by Madonna, mainly because he’s a (younger) Guy Ritchie lookalike.

Oh that does sound reasonable, I’ll have to try it. I’m a big coconut lover too. Avoided the coconut milk ice cream because I didn’t want it to ruin my love of coconut!