
The F1 announcers aren’t that bad, I like David Hobbs, but Sky Sports has the best announcers by far.

BMW’s shifter isn't confusing... And it puts the car in park if you open the door and release the brake.

The track is awesome? Let’s see how long this turn lasts.

This is great news, because this means you will be a step closer to replacing the stapler on your chest you call a “microphone”

Street racing with night vision goggles

Dubai has a lot of well lit streets. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some drivers used night vision goggles.

So it’s The Witcher 3 with robot dinosaurs starring Ygritte.

It angers me they put so much work into creating such excellent immersive atmosphere (try it on a triple monitor display and surround sound).

I have been killing for this on the PS4. I have a preference for playing this on a console (fuck off) and a remaster of it is just delightful news.

You know, I want to play Alex Hunter. Maybe at a smaller club, but still that sounded like awesome fun. It also seemed to feel more like an actual story rather than cut scenes. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Luke. I wouldn’t’ve cared about FIFA this year if you hadn’t.

You missed it.

Ok, so he gave her HIV and threatened her with a knife, so she ran him down with a Mustang.

Found the story, your not going to believe this:

I like it

Titan slams on the brakes; nose dives down, rear-end goes up.

Just watched the video of the local news coverage in the link you provided. They describe the damage to the red Chevy Cruze as a, “crumpled front end.”

When will people realize just because they made the game doesnt mean they’re necessarily good at it? They have lives and jobs (actually making the games), hardcore gamers don’t and are the ones that have the time to dedicate themselves to getting better at it.

you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”

I think I saw a unicorn skip across a rainbow