And they still get listed after craft services in the credits.
And they still get listed after craft services in the credits.
maybe you don’t play hardcore mode... but the idea of rezing a character in it for any reason feels wrong.
Losing a hardcore character sucks! But it happens. Roll a new one and better luck next time!
Ashes to ashes.
Hammer is love. Hammer is life.
I’d say I’m much more open than anyone else. I’ll openly tell you how much I make, cost of my house and mortgage payment, car payments etc... The one thing I don’t typically discuss is savings, but it wouldn’t be taboo if someone had a legitimate reason for asking.
I figured it was a scar caused by the friction of the giant brass balls of the crew of the tanker dragging down the runway.
Seems like the obvious solution would just be to buy some more... I mean they shut down the program, but it’s not like Lockheed dumped all the files when that happened. All the tooling and plans exist, why not just crank out a few more? Maybe it’s just too prohibitively expensive to start up the assembly line again?
It formats the drive in a few seconds after you plug it in. And since it’s adding memory, you don’t lose the 500GB you already have. I’m sitting on a 3TB hard drive plus the internal one, and it’s gonna last me years before I ever uninstall something.
You cannot upgrade the XB1 HDD, but you can plug in an external drive. That option isn’t available on PS4, hopefully it will soon, but you can replace the drive with a larger one.
If you want to see the news, why not just close Facebook and then go to an actual news site?
Alternate headline: Rich dude thinks that he is better than you and that rules don’t apply to him.