pretty sure that's a lambo, bro
pretty sure that's a lambo, bro
Plot twist: he wasn't pressing the gas pedal
Currently, Audi. Seriously, from A3, A4, A6 and A8, they all pretty much look the same from most angles. You need a banana for scale to figure out which is which. At least they're all the same sharply cut suit.
I'm sure Rockstar will fix this glitch in the next patch.
Let's be honest, "for my computer" pretty much IS "something weird".
Yes sweetheart, I'm stealing your pantyhose... for my computer.... no, not for anything weird....
Damien Hypolite, who by day works for Sciences et Avenir, is also a bit of an Assassin's Creed fan. Seeing as the…
another crash with Ferrari taking out other car... seems to be a norm these days
I'm on my second Falcon Northwest. The first lasted seven years without a problem, although I did have to upgrade the video card and memory eventually. It still works, I just needed something that could run the latest games. The new one worked straight out of the box without needing any tweaks and still is awesome.…
I don't think the current engine noise is that bad and even has its advantages. But having not really listened to a V8's wail for a, I almost wept.
When Alonso tested the McLaren MP4-21 in late 2006 after he joined the team ahead of the 2007 season, he said "No wonder I beat you this year."
It's not as big of a dick move as you might think. I'll assume you know how competitive F1, therefore, RBR's refusal to let VET out if his contract early is just another manifestation of that level of competitiveness.
to me, it's the most bizarre thing - he beat this car to the 2012 drivers championship - it was a total dog that alonso was able to wrestle all through 2012 to be within a whiskers of taking the title from vettel. it was not easy to drive - i want to know what his thoughts are compared to his championship winning car.
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