
I'm sure you know exactly what my "concerns" are and quite frankly I have no desire to get in an argument with you. Like I said, I like you and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I admit there are black people (just like whites, asians and literally every demographic) who have their hangups with

Yes and yes. Holding all black people responsible for the actions of a few is literally the foundation of anti-black racism as it exists in the United States. This person is doing just that while simultaneously proclaiming black people are "escaping their oppression". The irony of this is just too perfectly meta for

yeah, literally "as the oppressed begin to escape" ...NO. jamie foxx is an idiot, but didn't a bunch of famous white people joke about this too. did white supremacy come up when that happened? this is making it sound like he is being transphobic BECAUSE he is black

Yeah, I raised an eyebrow with that too. I mean, the joke was pretty terrible and I think Foxx should apologize but implying anti-black racism is on it's final legs (pro-tip, it isn't) or black people are oppressing anyone? This was a pretty terrible statement from someone who is usually spot on.

I like you so I'm going to pretend you don't mean what I think you mean.

Are you suggesting that black people are now oppressing trans people? Because that would seriously erase the trans activism of black and other POC.

Agreed. I think it's really unfair to pretend like oral sex in a hetero relationship is a quid pro quo sort of thing. I understand that the tit-for-tat view is a response to decades (maybe even centuries?) of men expecting blowjobs and pretending like eating a woman out was the grossest thing in the world but I think

Nobody cares about your boner.

I is she being a douchebag if she says "I don't want to do this" but likes other sex acts?

For my own reasons blowjobs are not something I do, and can I confirm that there are definitely men who love to give it and get off on giving oral sex and don't mind not receiving. I think it's even easier to find a guy who's up for that when intercourse is on the menu, rather than what she's currently doing, though

So long as she's open and up-front about what she is looking for and willing to do in a relationship, and fine with the pool of people that this means she'll get, why does it matter? I wish more guys were up-front about how they really just did not want to eat pussy, instead of making excuses and stringing their

I don't know why anyone would be obligated to do anything in the bedroom. Penises of the world, no one owes you a blow job, no matter how swell you think you are.

*walks to podium, shuffles papers, clears throat, puts on glasses*

Did you just say that her speed-rapping skills can rival Twista or Bone Thugz-N-Harmony? Are you serious?

how can all you kanye haters hate kanye when gems like this exist? look how f-in sweet he sounds. AND HE'S SUCH A HANDSOME YOUNG MAN.

I don't like it either. I think they look like mistake bubbles. That's okay, we're not always going to love everything presented!


That tattoo is awesome you take that back rn

Bitch Better Have My Money!

Say what you will about provocation and what we do/don't know about how the events transpired...I truly doubt a white kid would have been bloodied and chained up like that.