
This is a joke right? I'm being expertly trolled right now. Right?

So an author whose novels essentially amount to mayonnaise sandwiches on white bread in literary form has a problem with black and gay people? Is anyone really shocked by this?

The use of "ain't have" is AAVE. So to suggest that "remotely educated" people should "balk" at it use makes you appear kinda racist actually. But do you.

YES. I got called a 'pugnacious turd' for defending him & defending Beyoncé when this person said 'he doesn't anything about artistry' & Beyoncé sings about 'fake empowerment'

we have to be the ones to change that or we'll be stuck here forever.


Uhhhhh that individual is not 26 years old.

I can completely see Jessica as an anti-vaxxer. You know she's on Facebook all day sharing articles about mercury and autism with her 2000 friends.

Seriously. All anyone had to do was read the book (not even the whole book! It's obvious the book is bad a couple of paragraphs in) to know this was going to turn out badly.

I can't believe the ONE time an author gets unprecedented creative control over a film adaptation, it's fucking E.L James and 50 Shades of Grey.

POC: Wouldn't it be great if we had this movie about a black girl who was like a shape shifter and saved her whole race from extinction

By that logic everyone who hasn't announced that they have social anxiety disorder might just be too anxious to do so. It's an absurd bit of speculation.

Sometimes white privlege flat out amazes me. Like, I'm Black. But, I'm still shocked at the level of ignorance (and I'm not using that as a diss) that white folks have when it comes to things that are basic to me. I mean, right here in this comment section we have white folks who don't understand the terms "colored,"

I don't know this situation, but I work with DV survivors and quite often women who are being terrorized in abusive relationships end up losing their kids - sometimes permanently - because they're not able to protect them from abuse. This woman might be a monster, but this could also easily be another case where the

The virgin Mary was the immaculate conception in that she was born without original sin, the phrase doesn't mean being knocked up by God. Thus ends my pedantry for the day.

Before you posted that GIF, my two favorite Obama GIFs were the one I just posted and this one:

Personally, the colorblind folks piss me off more than bigots. At least [some] bigots own up to their bigotry and admit that they think we're not all equal. Colorblind people choose to ignore that racism exists and dismisses every person who has personally experienced racism because, hey! What does that have to do