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    I absolutely agree with #1. I don't agree that snickers aren't in the top 5. For a road trip, snickers is the ultimate bar, it really does make you skip that extra mcdonalds stop as it is filling AND delicious. I also disagree that rolos beat out butterfingers. I guess they're not everyone's favorite. If it were


    This is the way that I approach my work with children. Better safe than sorry, at worse if it turns out things are ok, there are just some hurt feelings. At best, the family sees that you were working to protect their children and appreciate your work. However, reporting can save a child's life and hurt feelings are a

    Girl, I'll validate him ANY DAY ALL DAY!!
    Sewph! Get me to a fainting room...

    Hey Burt have you seen this perfect gif? It's everything. ( it may be kinja'd but follow the link ;))

    If I ever do a cycling race I'm wearing a tutu. I hate cycling shorts :( so I'd have to cover up my butt because that padding is not the business:P

    Do IT!!! anything to make the course more lively and fun is worth it. Tutus are often spotted and greeted really nicely by fellow runners. I cannot imagine HOW this would bug anyone? Honestly, what is the deal with that?

    every race I have ever run (with the exception of a local 5/10k) people wear costumes. Some runners only do races to come up with a costume, so I think SELF was being an asshole for saying anything at all. It is no secret that runners like to do these silly things, trust-10 miles in you are wondering what the hell you

    I think if you are running a marathon you can wear whatever the hell you like. I ran with a tutu because I FUCKING WANTED TO. really? Did i think it made me run faster? No. Did it slow anyone else around me down? No. Nobody was inconvenienced by me wearing this and I will now go and buy a tutu from Glam Runner. I

    fuck off.

    me too....oh ok, being in an office 50 weeks a year, every year is a walk in the park compared to shooting a movie once a year for a few months for millions of dollars. my life is really easy y'all.

    I wouldn't be surprised if your essay was read and discussed in the part about appropriation...

    I love Diego Luna and am so glad that he directed this very important film. As Latinos we have to stop waiting for people to let us in the door, we have to break it down ourselves.
    I do have a question though, did he mean the last movie about a Mexican American was Selena? Or Latinos? Because I think I would consider

    Cast those beautiful and talented men in erythang!

    ahahah!! ok I see where you are going. I was going to post a better picture of him but found it irrelevant and got warped into A Tom Hiddleston Rabbit Hole!

    maybe he was going for a more "casual" look and opened it up because he realized where he was. I dunno, I cannot really hate on anything on this man's body unless it is another woman, then I am seething with jealousy. But I get that he is not everyone's cup of tea. (moreformetolove)

    I prefer her look from August....(no I don't I just wanted to share this. Clearly she needs to fire her stylist)

    Can we do a follow up post on the hotness that is Chris Evans? WITH A BEARD?!?

    Brilliant! as always and that's why you are clearly my favorite :)
    (I had to see the whole thing in its glory)

    I would normally dismiss this, but I want you to understand something. I use this phrasing out of respect for people who identify as African Americans- NOT ALL PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT. I WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT LUPITA OR STEVE WHEN I WROTE THIS. I live in the United States and respect how people want to identify