
I’m screaming. This is amazing.

They really could have edited the photos down to half what was chosen. First I would have cut is this “sad sand baby”.

Fucking Girl Scouts. Well now we know that all that cookie money is secretly funding abortions and pro-sexy times propoganda.

Sadly, in addition to all these unfortunate anthrax deaths, a great many more soldiers perished when they ate hot dogs slathered in mustard gas.

Anthrax, you say?

Blaine is a pain

I think it’s cool as hell. In the books he’s preternaturally good with reloading individual bullets, but this probably looks better on screen.

Am I the only one who finds the double revolver move to be cool as hell? I guess I’m just lowbrow like that.

I know Brie Larson is a good actress, but I’d have no idea who she is if I saw her irl. Are people more attuned to celebs than I? I live in NYC and, while it’s not LA, I have a good chance of running into one. Am I weird?

There is no one in this world who wakes up thinking (minus like a couple actual psychopaths)

First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

I think the bandana was suppose to indicate where he wished his penis to reach down to.

I just mentioned to my husband that I remember seeing Scott in some tight running shorts in TigerBeat in the 70's - I believe Erin’s brother. (Now Leif Garrett in some satin pants - me-ow!)

Wizards doesn’t want combo decks to be a thing anymore, which is pretty dissappointing. I don’t play standard, but it sucks that I get tons of joy from running janky combos that people don’t usually see and wizards is basically “We think our audience is too stupid to understand anything besides creatures so we’re

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Because there are those of us out there that don’t think that this religion actively hates anyone. The teachings of Christ say the exact opposite, in fact. It’s the people that practice this religion that have turned things sideways and are wrong for it. It’s possible to separate the two.

Already. Fucking. It fucking sucks.

No. And it ducking sucks because now the the little edit button is in no man’s land, useless. Jesus. Next time I’m on here drunk everyone is going to think I’m even more of a babbling idiot because I won’t be able to edit anything :(

I thought it was my brain.

Sorry for OT folks, but...did anyone else’s page view flip?