Well, that’s BS. Was it on Giz, or io9? I’d hope not the latter.
Well, that’s BS. Was it on Giz, or io9? I’d hope not the latter.
The difference is
WomenTerrible Writing and Lack of Respect for the Original Film Ruining The Treasured Childhood Thing, presumably.
This reminds me of the gag from an episode of bobs burgers recently. The candy is bad and no one likes it, but itll cost millions to go back, so i guess we’re stuck with the candy.
This headline/framing is a depressing example of how all of us, even those that hate trump, have internalized his divisive, with-us-or-against-us rhetoric that nonsensically twists every story into a battle. And, like trump, it is selfish, shortsighted, and incredibly damaging - because it’s not only about whatever…
Yeah, that was kind of legit disgusting.
For some reason, Eichenwald’s case spurred a different response
This was a gross headline.
This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are…
I have your information and have called the police to report the glory of the Hypno Toad.
so because he’s not a woman, people should be free to attack Kurt Eichenwald? That’s crap.
Just out of curiosity, when did Judd apatow become the spirit animal for every annoying comedian out there?
And yet they still all look the same.
Skinny, skinnier and more skinny. Super diverse.
Because he looks like the White Skull?
Why the fuck does Pence always look like he’s about to introduce legislation to outlaw the X-Men?
I don’t buy this bullshit argument and you know it’s a bullshit argument. You know there are more people working in McDonald’s than broke teens only looking for an entry career. You know there are people who are stuck in the shitty life of a McDonald’s employee because there aren’t other opportunities, or they’re…
McDonald’s pays a decent wage for the work being performed. I worked there as a teen and was treated well, and learned a lot about the responsibilities of being employed. I didn’t earn much money ($4.25/hr back then), but I consider it to have been paid training.
Apu is voiced by a white man.
“wipipo” Just tell me exactly what level of contempt and distain this term is intended to convey. Is it equivalent to the N word or of lesser semi-affectionate meaning? Shall white people start calling “you people” terms like “pocs” or “brownies”? BTW, Michael, you are a racist POS.