
I only saw part of the interview but Jennifer Hough’s pain, trauma and ptsd were so obvious that I have tears in my eyes and a tight throat as I type. Sis talked of deliberately dressing to prevent a repeat occurrence. Just devastating. Women are punished for not being considered attractive and women are also punished

Accurate user name. 

People who are trying to move on from a mistake don’t threaten the people they previously wronged or have their wife put out false information about their victim. The thing about “cancel culture” that we haven’t reached yet is that someone can serve their time legally speaking or even go away for a while, but the

Let’s not forget that Nicki also implied on her radio show that Jennifer was white in order to invoke some really f*cked up Black man being wrongfully accused narrative. That’s after she also tried the “They were in a relationship” lie. The whole thing was so boldly disgusting but her fans will believe literally

Yep—this is evidence of decency at play. Also it’s significant that this is a doctor who remembers the time before legal abortion. He’s seen the consequences.

What a mensch. godspeed doctor.

I think you scrolled to far and posted below another article. This is the tequila one, I assume you meant to post under the T.I. one.

She should have taken the White House call as her “win” and used that as a way out- “The White House reached out to me and as part of my research I’ll be talking directly to their experts, etc, etc...” I mean that’s a pretty freakin big deal, but I guess it wasn’t enough to feed her ego.

It’s crazy how there isn’t this much energy for The Rock or George Clooney... I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of the Kar/Jenners but I have to note the disjointed reporting.

Yet Clooney did it and made a fortune. No one castigated him for it.  SMH

At least Derek actually built it lol.

Lots of extra snark today. Anyway, just a thought, is it fair to claim Jenner (not a fan particularly) is exploiting someone’s labors if they hire them for a job and are paying them? If that’s the case then we are all being exploited. It seems to me you wanted so badly to paint a picture of an “evil white bitch” that

Dear god, we didn’t need this lame movie the first time around. I guess all we can hope for is that the new iteration doesn’t come with a dreadful song that obviously has naked pictures of every DJ in America.

This is the second time in two days that I’ve read a post with the word ruckus in it. I’m all for it. 

“I don’t drink no tequila that calls itself ‘them.’  ‘He’ or ‘She’ or it needs to get outta my face before a ruckus gets started!”

The prosecutors didn’t decide to not prosecute, they can’t prosecute due to the statute of limitations…that is a huge difference.

But no one heard about it, or cared, until Cara Delevingne wore it on a vest to the Met Gala. It’s not fair, but that’s how things work in fashion and celebritydom.

I can guarantee you I would have never even heard of Luna Matatas without this “controversy” of a company putting a slogan on an article of clothing that a celebrity wore to an event.

Peg the patriarchy implies rape to me.

This article spends a lot of time centering the queerness of the purported victim without mentioning at any point that Delevingne is also queer.