
I didn’t get past the 6-years-old in a Pointe class and being expected to have toe shoes already. That should never be a first class. You need years of ballet training before starting Pointe, and you should only start Pointe class after your feet are fully grown, otherwise you can do permanent good you got

Eh I think that's also true for male celebrities. Hell, Kanye has custody of his kids, and he's an actual threat to them. 

Woody Allen is now hawking his movies in China.

Megan is really living my middle school fantasy romance and I am here for it, in the front row, with popcorn. Mazel tov, you crazy kids.

Megan Fox’s engagement ring from Machine Gun Kelly was made to hurt if she tries to take it off.

Yeah, Whedon is much more important news than “well-liked actor doesn’t violate NDA”, & it fits this site’s supposed theme better too.

Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus, where do you even start with that?

He’s either deluded or a pathological liar.  Maybe both?

I’ve never seen someone shoot themselves in the foot so many times in so few paragraphs. That he thought this would be a positive is... well, just further proof he’s a total ass.

“Pick me girl energy “

Kim had her own money before Kanye. If anything, Kanye is the guy from the last verse of the song who works hard, comes up from nothing, then leaves the woman who stood by him along the way. I always think of Amber Rose when I hear the line about the guy who “leaves your ass for a white girl.” Because that’s what Kim

Don’t get it twisted, the K’s make me itch, but I don’t think any of them would be under the heading of “gold-digger” except maybe mommy dearest. Kim was running a 2nd hand clothing business even before her dad died. The bitch has hustle and took one hell of a bad public hand and turned that shit into gold. HER gold.

major “pick me girl” energy

I don’t think this is being used correctly...

Feel free to drop the silly “gold digger” accusation. Regardless of what anyone thinks of her Kim certainly never needed Kanye for either money or fame.

I honestly think he seems fun and is super hot (in a dirty, small-time drug dealer kind of way) and allegedly has a heavy ass dick. I just got divorced. I wish he’d be mine.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: This story will end with the nightly news reader saying “....killing her before turning the gun on himself”.

The man seems designed to be someone’s post-divorce fling. I bet she’s having a great time. 

I bet gold is not what Kim is digging through Pete’s pants for.

Although I do not know him personally, Pete seems like he just doesn't care. It's a good vibe, really.

I bet Pete’s a breath of fresh (or marijuana filled) air after being married to Kanye.  LOL