
She's just like...combining words. I have no idea wtf she means tbh. Lol.

What if he is though?

I’m a natural C but I’ve always wanted breast implants. What have your experiences with them been if you don’t mind me asking? I was friends with a girl who had saline ones and while they looked great you could feel the rippling of the bag in her underboob. Have you had any health problems from them? Anything you

I don’t judge anyone for getting plastic surgery but all of their kids are going to look completely different from their parents or have to get surgery to match. I feel like they're all going to have body image issues. Like, hey mom, your nose used to look like mine but you had it shaved down? What's wrong with mine?

My winged eyeliner feels attacked by this comment!!!

Some people really need attention idk

Oh, I totally agree that it’s better to just not confront some people. Ugh. What a gross person.

...omfg what on Earth with that man. not think you should share that observation with your sister in law if you want family holidays to be pleasant lmao.

The "Fuck you" is not necessary.

Right? I don’t remember my mom ever being like “yeah, just go get a plate by yourself” at a buffet style restaurant when I was little. She always helped me until I was 10 or 11ish and could understand that you use the tongs for one dish, replace them in or beside that dish (wherever they’re meant to go), then move on

Lmao. I would have gotten into a screaming match with him if I was in the wrong kind of mood. Who over the age of 7 thinks that’s acceptable behavior?

The mental image of full body condom style outfits has me cracking up I’m sorry 😂

I would not be responsible for my actions if a stranger used my sweater for a tissue. Good Lord. 

I don't follow wrestling, but how terribly sad for anyone to die at 22. I hope her family has support during this time.

Right? Like, who asked him?


I realize this comment is old, but that’s insane. He got in a drunken bar fight and you’re putting all the blame on the other guy? He deserves to spend his whole life behind bars for something he did while drunk? 

My roommate/current bf has a dog. He’s...a nice dog. But he bought him from his brother who was pretty neglectful and abusive and kept him locked in a crate all day. As a result, he’s pretty terrified of large spaces or being alone. He whines sooo badly if he’s alone for more than 5 minutes. Kinda drives me nuts.

Holy Hell! You're lucky you didn't get the iron! Glad you're okay!