Babylon System

I think you’d get more money from TANF per annum than this fuckshit and these motherfuckers begrudge us this. Meanwhile, civilized countries (or at least more civilized than this one) are paying people every damn month.

They are supposed to under obstruction of justice laws, but it hardly ever happens.

Anybody who knowingly, willfully, and illegally, withheld evidence from their attorneys is guilty of kidnapping and should go to jail. They were cops and lawyers.  They knew the rules and chose to break them.  Not just lose their job or lose a civil lawsuit. Go. To. Jail.

Speaking of “taking a picture”, wouldn’t Saks have video as well? And wouldn’t that video explicitly show that these 3 were not brandishing anything, let alone a weapon?

Stop buying expensive external drive enclosures, when you can simply make any inexpensive drive “external” using a cheap (fast) dock.

Stop buying expensive external drive enclosures, when you can simply make any inexpensive drive “external” using a

I was outside a Rolex store once and I took a picture of a watch in the window.

Anything that can be used to fight white supremacy. They love these things as long as they serve white supremacy/trump. But once they start to challenge it...

1/6/21 proved without a shadow of doubt that the American right wing hate: The Police, Law & Order, Democracy, Free Elections, The Constitution, Reality, Truth. 

That’s what’s wrong with the 2nd Amendment. It doesn’t specifically say WHO constitutes said militia WHO gives the authority to form one and WHY and WHEN you should bear arms. There needs to be a 28th Amendment to clarify.

I just had a mental image of a Spanish galleon crewed by middle aged white women in wraparound sunglasses armed with cell phones with the “9-1-...” already pressed

I was thinking the same thing.

They have no other card to play but “culture wars!”

I see the resident inbred spammer, Cap’n ShitforBrains, has changed his display name again.

New strategy? They have at least been doing that shit since the whole "silent majority" time.

My favorite is when he said “I have never used that analogy and it is not indicative of who I am as a person or as a coach.” How the fuck does this guy expect anyone to believe he’s never used that analogy and just spontaneously thought of it while talking to his team?

If you get more money than you need, feel free to donate it to your local food bank.

Or his good friend Strom Thurmond.

Only when you talk about his family.

Y’all will need to wait until the next election to get someone you really WANT as POTUS.

Damons ALL CAPS is exactly my brain after many some racists incidents like this occur (over and over) and especially after the lame excuses they come up with for why it happened.