Babylon System

Fuck these hateful republicans.

No, you Trump humping, copsucking moron. If I did lead a drug cartel, I would hire murderous, corrupt pigs to do my dirty work for me.

Cops are bullies and cowards. The most cowardly ones are those that refuse to arrest those that are the bullies murdering citizens right in front of them.

I bet most murderers want the judge to exclude the evidence of them committing the crime they were charged with.

Iran’s theocratic nightmare of a regime, but Trump’s hand would screw that up mightily.

I find it amusing that the US seems to WANT the same thing.. just their flavour of a theocratic goverment.

But I don’t wanna be held responsible for the things I say and do!

Well, you can be a douchebag AND still be correct.  :D  Which, ya know, was Chuck’s whole thing.

I would make every racist white person instantly black for 1 year.

Super reference. Naturally, people will say that Chuck was a douchebag, and they'd be right, but a little selective snapping wouldn't be the worst thing

I am with Chuck. Snap those fingers, reset the whole damn thing.

It is always a non-white woman or child they attack never a grown man unless they outnumber him. These people are the lowest of the low cowards. 

You should read more carefully. The actual killer was his brother, who likely looks like him. And it was at night, helping to confuse things. 

Stink things are still legal, right?

I work with USSS for my job sometimes - No one agent gets assigned one person for life - they work on rotations, and then additional agents are spread across offices in different states for supplemental protection when the protect-ee is traveling. So fortunately no one is stuck forever, but unfortunately, any one of

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It’ll be a punishment tour for fuck-ups.

I need outfit my drone for poop bomb deployment.

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