Dear Black Jesus....
Dear Black Jesus....
And sadly we will still have a crap ton of people not vote this year because “They’re basically the same” or something like that. It would have to be Superman vs. Lex Luther for them to decide that who becomes the next President really matters.
Reckless is not voting and giving a lying, broken, grifting grafter another four years to utterly ruin our nation. I think she wanted the child she was bringing into the world to have a better future.
This mother to be seems like a very civic minded individual. Probably be a great mother.
Just be glad she doesn’t live in a state that takes hours to vote.
White people will call it “progress”.
Wednesday. :)
Fuck off, trump loving, treasonous trolls. You should pray to your dark gods that you get the relatively peaceful justice of a court of law. The alternative will be much more painful.
Be safe everyone. Trumpers are psychos. Make a note of the ones that show their ugly selves.
Coincidentally, that’s the height of the children’s faces.
The reality is that these police are evil men doing evil acts.
Fuck the Police.
Imagine being so frightened of little children that you need tear gas to handle them. What a bunch of fucking cowards.
Every single cop in that department needs to thrown in prison. Even the ones that weren’t there. There’s no saving that department, toss them all in the brig.
I’m confused. What’s the difference between these trucks with Trump/Pence flags running people down and intimidating them and say, trucks full of Taliban waving their flag running people off the road.
The Secret Service doesn’t have a couple of black Tahoes that could trail the bus?
OMG This red faced bitch boy just won’t go away
It always does with this bunch
I wish someone from Omaha would interview as many of those attendees as they could. Their post facto rationalizations for why being left on a freezing tarmac to basically die is proof that he appreciates them and is better for them than Biden would be amazing to read.
WOW. That was great. “Y’all are so weird.” Amen.