Babylon System

I want him to attend as many un-masked gatherings as possible and rub cheeks with every last one of those deplorables.

I’m waiting for the republican conservatives to cry “bias” and that these “fine” people are being smeared by the “liberal media” and the “deep state”. That these people are just defending their homes against BLM and others.

I don’t know, this seems about as good as these self-styled “master race” shitweasels get.

Given that some states were orginally prison colonies they literally sent their worst.

Definitely not sending us their best.

Methamphetamines? I would have never guessed, no wait, that’s exactly what I have and will always guess about white supremacists and militias. Just like the Old Fuhrer and the New Fuhrer.

Truth and reality suck..

That is a bit much. Even for me.

Well, it is the same hand he uses to diddle Ivanka. 

Someone's pardon hand is gonna get tired.

I can’t help but wonder how many more cases would have gone through if the Republicans generally, and this administration more recently and directly, had not been outraged and actively avoiding the threat that white supremacist organizations pose to this country.

The oxycotin makers would agree/disagree with you?

White people are bored. All that superiority gives them nothing to do I guess.

“Hello fellow freedom fighter! Tell me how you have been oppressed.”

Mr. Smith cheated on his taxes and he made a powerful, life-changing charitable donation.

Yes, because it does not matter how many degrees a black man or woman has. It does not matter if they can single handedly bring forever peace to the Middle East. It does not matter if they get North Korea to give up all of it’s nukes and put Kim in front of a firing squad along with his circle.

I think the difference is that none of those people are crazy like Trump is crazy. Those people are not acting irrationally, they are rational actors who believe that the ends justify the means, and that their ends are noble and just.

Not to mention Erdogan, Xi Jingping and Putin used a weakened global coalition due to Trump to jam through elimination of term limits that allowed them all to become dictators. And then there’s Netanyahu...

The thing I hate most about Trump fluctuates from day to day, but introducing the phrase fake news to the lexicon is always near the top spot. I have coworkers that call incorrect uber eats orders fake news and its beyond annoying 

Don’t worry. If he loses they’ll start talking about all the things they did to try to constrain him or censure him. None of it will align with the truth, but they don’t really need it to, since their target demographic has the memory of a goldfish and rely more on their “gut” than any objective reality.