Seems like this should work both ways. Find a bunch of Nazis assembling, run them over and drive away with no penalty!
Seems like this should work both ways. Find a bunch of Nazis assembling, run them over and drive away with no penalty!
I’ll be coming to visit.
I mean the comments under here are downright laughable. Anyone blaming the “dems” and “Chuck And Nancy” are clueless. Maybe if you so called “woke” and “Progressive” folks had voted in 2010 & 2014 we wouldn’t be here. Maybe if you “burn it to the ground” folks hadn’t pissed away your vote in 2016 by going third party…
I mean, they literally have no ability to. The Rs have a majority, so it’s all up to them. Also, Pelosi is in the wrong chamber.
Bying hilltop land in the Caribbean. (it’s time to ganja farm)
So my top three moving destinations: New Zealand, Canada, Australia. Honorable mention to Japan but their immigration process is too hard.
End times! My worst nightmare! My favorite on the Supreme Court by far. Fuck 2020! Trump must be the fucking antichrist; how could that Nazi be so lucky?!
Obama had spent seven half years fighting a Senate who successfully blocked EVERY single piece of legislation he publicly backed, solely out of spite. They swore they would do that the week he took office, and they never broke ranks. There was no way in hell they would have approved any Justice who wasn’t a…
Dear fucking god.
White people’s folk heroes are almost always the most horrible people imaginable.
Any apology that doesn’t involve “We fired the fuck out they ass” isn’t a fucking apology.
Should have been “ The assignment was apparently made by a teacher who had only been with the district for three years. After this, they fired their bum ass.”
I’m just waiting for the inevitable wording that they won’t say because they would never admit to their racism, “why are you breathing"
I will go back to Trinidad. I will not be staying here.
Floridians are a different species, man.
Target’s evidently a hot spot for entitled wypipo to demonstrate their selfishness....a whole flock of Floridian Red-Hatted Sons and Daughters of Karen descended on one store yesterday to show their ignorance:
I think you hit the nail on the head. Especially for white men (I still don’t know how white women’s brains operate). Raised in a country that promotes white men to the pinnacle of excellence, it’s gotta be a kick in the nuts to see a BIPOC get into a place of prominence. That would explain your basic redneck racist.…
What are about the idea of marriage do you take so seriously?
His dad probably whispered to him “#complyordie” every night before bedtime.