And responsible. And ethical. And hardworking. And kind.
And responsible. And ethical. And hardworking. And kind.
But Forrest Gump was likable....
To quote James Brown, “Living in America!”
Frederick Bragdon, the public defender representing Misch, argued that the white nationalist was not a flight risk because he liked the attention, explaining: “I’m sure as long as the press keeps coming, he’ll also be here.”
28 - I do both. I check in the second I can online and see if there is a better seat. Then when I get to the airport check in again and get the paper ticket. This way I know if the gate has changed and I no longer need to worry about my phone battery. My phone is really old and the battery dies all the time, so that…
Oh great, another week of right-wing gaslighting about how an obviously racist act isn’t racist and you’re racist for calling it racist, and every media outlet treating that bullshit as something worthy of equal time.
Antifa: a terrorist organization that must be stopped.
Curious to see how the white man with the white supremacy manifesto killing people is used to make Ilhan Omar look racist.
He doesn’t need to. Dog whistles and coded racist-speak translates to it, while allowing him the ability to deny that’s what he means. Also, calling black people such is left for his base to do and they take great delight in doing so, as the Friday mailbag makes clear every week.
How long until Trump straight up starts calling people Niggers on Twitter? In the middle of 5th Avenue? And people will still vote for him.
“I believe fighting for justice for my son and family is of vital national importance,” Nicholas’ father Ted Sandmann said in a statement, CNN notes.
So now he’s moved on to Sharpton?
The irony of all this evangelical support is that Christianity at its core is the very antithesis of the brand of capitalism trump embodies - I think we know which god they serve.
Oh I believe it.
I’m old enough to remember our country, mired in two wars and careening drunkenly toward a global financial crisis, voting to re-elect George W.
I will never bet against stupid again.
I’m counting on anger and irritations being stronger than laziness. That’s what happened in 2018 and I suspect that people will move mountains so that they don’t have to hear Trump’s name or his voice ever again.
Let me just say to all the naysayers and haters - 243 years was a good run, and nothing a country should be ashamed of.
Because Trump can’t stand anyone being around who doesn’t feed into his paranoid fantasies.
Id say he’s impeachable for the lies and incompetence alone.
Put the racism aside...