That’s horrible.
If I catch someone in Blackface, I’m not confronting them. I’m calling the police with an anonymous tip that they were acting strange and let the sparks fly.
I feel he looks more like that crazy biker in Weird Science
Trump is a sociopath who admires men who have more power than he can wield. Trump (because he’s a fucking moron) thought being President was like being a dictator, which is ultimately wants to be. He is completely uninterested in governing. He just wants to say some shit and for it to be the way it goes.
Chicago is white people’s No. 1 argument against everything, including gun control.
Rachel Dolezal
The middle eastern gentleman sitting a couple rows behind her looks very angry.
I’m going to start a company that sells Kevlar clothing.
thats all the country and it’s leaders can and will, “thoughts and prayers” the only thing ever said in response to a mass shooting these days...
wtf... thats such a huge cock slap...
what will it take for this madness to stop.... it just keeps getting worse and worse, and all they can offer is their canned response…
“Brainless but you can kill people with a spoon, knife, or _______ argument” ©
I feel awful for laughing at your comment.
“White Identity Extremists”?
“That reefer stuff is more dangerous than heroin! Which is why I quit The KK...uh, why I stopped investigating...uh, why I’m much more careful in my White House role with respect to extremist organizations.”
“Now’s not the time to politicize this.” ™
“Thoughts And Prayers ©”
And the next dude definitely has something against Granny.
I’ll be waiting until that day comes.