Babylon System


Your very mention of it’s name is what gives these dark souls pleasure.

I love how the media is always “surprised” by what crazy shit Republicans do and say.

Freedom Caucus

Her name sounds like a failed Intel CPU.

Racists being Racist at a Restaurant? Bad Life Choice.

That’s one perfectly sculpted Tiddy. Fake or Real? CGI? Amazing. :)

$35,000000 (or B/O)

She clearly knows what she is doing.

Should’ve called it the Rolls-Royce 6000 Sux.

Google “How does Google work?

Stone Cold Steve Austin rejected clone.

Dead of suspicious circumstances as soon as he post bail.

Oh, I get it you are a troll. Never mind.

Nah, you’ve never had to fight for any basic right in your life.

Your privilege is showing. Stay comfy in your golden tower.

Oh, she a white girl. I see.

He could’ve been a monster to basically everyone he’s been around forever and still be not guilty in this instance.

This should be taught in more schools.