
Harassment and stalking suffer the exact same problems of concept creep as bullying. Traditionally, harassment and stalking, by definition, required a pattern of behavior. Now, you’re using them to describe a one-off incident. What it was, was a threat, probably (but not necessarily) an illegal threat.

Lol. Death threats and threatening harm to children are way beyond bullying. Raise your expectations ⬆

I think your point would be more valid if you didn’t pick such insanely terrible examples of things that you think are always controllable, or things that are so impossibly hard to change that they might as well be uncontrollable.

I think Jia’s point is that those behaviors aren’t bullying, they’re straight up unlawful harassment and stalking.

The problem is that just because something is awful, or threatening, or cruel, or just plain wrong, does not mean that it is bullying.

I think Jia’s point in the article is not that Roy deserves it, but that it isn’t bullying. Threats to someone’s safety is harassment or abuse, not bullying as per the actual definitions.

Now playing

Dixie Chicks can cover whatever the hell they want. They have earned their stripes. Blazing hot career destroyed by the right wing and the media for uttering a simple truth.

Now playing

I’ve seen her disinterested, or at least annoyed. And she did it with such sass and style!

Black don’t crack it is known! Michelle Obama is flawless

Michelle doesn’t age. Ever. She’ll be 90 with the most toned arms ever.

I love Michelle Obama and think she should remain First Lady forever, but Eleanor Roosevelt needs some credit here. She was pretty damn amazing as a First Lady.

Michelle is a stone fox.

Michelle Obama is the best first lady ever! I don’t care about any of them other ones. She is beautiful and full of life and dresses fabulously. And she didn’t let all the racist things said about her bring her down that shit rolled right off.

The production is great, the beats are slick, the lyrics are still hilariously petty. Drake is adorable.

this is the 1st drake album i’ve downloaded since take care. i’ll give it a listen when i take my parents to the airport tomorrow.

I can watch this one all day

I loved how they were trying to spin Jax clearly being coked out of his mind while bartending at pride as him being drunk. No, I’m sorry, we’re not idiots, he’d clearly railed more than his fair share of lines before like 10 am.

I have to believe 88% of it is for the camera. But 10% is the copious amounts of alcohol/coke. 2% being not so bright and very pretty people being together 24/7.

I watch this and think “oh, the foolishness of youth, God bless ‘em,” and then I remember that most of them are in their thirties, and all my hopes for America crumble to ash.