

Dang, really? Well let me just tell you it is a huge step that rich people have chosen to take money out of the equation, let them have that. Also, just curious but why would anyone tell someone how to grieve. I mean the man is dead and never coming back. Have a little respect. Death is hard for anyone in any class.

Eh, depends on how her delivery was. I couldn’t have done it after my first. After my second I walked to he recovery room because I got tired of waiting for the person with the wheelchair to arrive.

I just imagine returning home to her palace with her son and support system (husband, nannies, they probably have cooks, plus her parents, and whoever else is helping) is much more comfortable than any hospital. I’d totally be all “yes get me pretty for the 10 minutes I have to do the princess thing” if I could go

She didn’t HAVE to. No one forced her to leave the hospital. She was well enough to go, had a healthy birth with no complications, and apparently they wanted to go home. She could have hung out another day or so but they chose to leave.

Yeah, but if she didn’t feel like it she could have waited at least another day. She didn’t have to leave today but obviously she felt good enough to do it. And besides, it was like, one minute of standing there waving, then they left. I’m sure she’s got her hair up in a scrunchie and in yoga pants by now and we won’t

Awww- I think he’s handsome. He and Kate genuinely seem to like each other too, and he’s always smiling! It’s adorbs. Totes.

Perfectly adorable and seemingly wonderful human male who has saved lives and is still attractive loses his hair and masses and masses of women (and men) instantly feel the need to comment about how uuuuuuuuh-gly he is as if he had some sort of royal duty to Rogaine for them. People on this site should know better.

My outer adult is crushed by how narrow your standards of attractiveness are. He’s a human, not a walking Tiger Beat poster.

Thanks for the signal boost. Hope we’re reunited soon. :/

They are just rats with a better PR firm.

Lol, I am not talking about Grandparents who die when they are old. I am talking about immediate family dying unexpectedly and tragically, you know, the people you live with all your life and share a deep emotional bond with. So you are telling me that you would not cry if your husband or child died? Also, you think

I’m pretty sure there is a lot more but they cannot and should not reveal their other evidence. I think that ppl are assuming that they know everything based on what they have revealed but I’m guessing that they revealed is only a small part of it.

I don’t get why trying hard is considered an insult. I mean, I would hope she tries hard, because I’m fucking sick and tired of artists phoning it in and half assing shit. Brittany Howard definitely tries hard, she puts her heart in her music, and because of that, the results are amazing.

Your opinion. I like their music, they are far from sucking for me. I think she’s brilliant and their album is the best of the year, if not right up there next to “Tapestry”. So definitely YMMV.

I don't think people are bothered about the weed, just how much danger she was putting herself in for it.

This was my exact thought. In Egypt, many cab drivers work directly with the government for stuff like this. It is definitely not good advice to tell travelers to just ask their cab drivers for some illegal drugs in North Africa.

Wait, the taxi driver is viewed as less risky in a country like Egypt? In Syria (and Jordan) it was pretty much a given that many taxi drivers are secret police or informants. It is great cover - you get to see where people come and go, glean tidbits of information, etc.

Good thing weed isnt addictive at all. Should make doing without on a trip no problem. Then you dont have to worry about any of this.