
Marriage, to me, is a symbol of commitment, yes. It's a legally-binding pact. Without that pact, a person can just walk away one day, and that possibility brings uncertainty to the relationship. Also, there are advantages to getting married! Tax benefits, for one. We'd love to own a house. But I won't even consider

By your logic I shouldn’t volunteer at a womens shelter because I go home to a husband who doesn’t beat me. So what if Ms. Paltrow will never go hungry by choice, she is bringing attention that millions do.

I vote Gwyneth just because I can say her heart is probably in the right place even if everything else isn’t. Malkin doesn’t have a heart which makes her incapable of any relevant criticism of rich people attempting to bring attention/empathy to the food concerns of low income people by mimicking the limitations of

Yeah, I remember the criticism about the Ice Bucket Challenge - that it was philanthropy for millennials and merely an easy way to feel like you’re doing something good without actually having to do anything (slacktivism - god I hate that term). The charity is just a postscript to you posting something on social

The WHOLE POINT of the challenge is to give privileged people the perspective of the underprivileged. She didn’t create it, she’s just playing along, and bringing a lot of attention to it in the process. Why on earth are we criticizing her for participating in something intended to broaden empathy for an important

I’m not sure I completely understand the disdain for this. Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow is almost always tone-deaf about her privilege. But in this case, she’s bringing attention to how woefully inadequate support for people is in this country. I suppose I can see the criticism about poverty voyeurism, but ultimately I do

I hate this type of argument. Celebrities are rich so what do they really know about poverty - they get to go to Europe!

There’s certainly no debate in the medical field about this. The CDC actually commissioned a fairly comprehensive study on the phenomenon, and they could not find any virus, bacterium, fungi, or any other foreign pathogen behind the alleged symptoms. However, most signs do in fact point to delusional behavior on the

Honestly, I am okay with all of the this. If you get into a sex for gift and silence relationship, and you break part of the deal, you lose.

Got someone at work I feel about like that. If they so much as yawn where I can hear it over the cubicle my blood pressure rises to dangerous levels.

I’ll just leave this here again. It’s amazing that ever I underestimated its usefulness.

Aww - Queens and dollar oysters are some of the best things I've found in this life :(

NPH talked about (on Letterman I believe) how hubby David is some really good chef/cook and can-and-will whip up lots of interesting stuff in a jif - and the kids love all sorts of grown up food because of that.

If your oysters have sand in them, you are definitely doing it wrong.

No offense, but I wouldn’t touch a Gulf oyster with a 10 ft pole. I mean I HAVE - they are not my style of oyster,

I think you could argue that Big Ange is dangerously close to doing Blackface.

I didn’t discover my love of oysters until my teens. I’m am crazy jealous of the additional years of oyster eating Harper has ahead of her.

I call dibs!

This was lovely. I didn't know that there were so many variations on sign language!