The kind of designers we are talking about primarily—-high fashion designers—-want their brands to be aspirational. People pay big $$$ to aspire to be part of an exclusive club.
The kind of designers we are talking about primarily—-high fashion designers—-want their brands to be aspirational. People pay big $$$ to aspire to be part of an exclusive club.
Models are—-by definition—-supposed to be better looking than average people. One of the Western societal standards of attractiveness has long been thinness. Now that that societal standard has expanded a bit to include plus size women plus size women models are—-of course—-going to be “more attractive” than the vast…
For normal life one would just have to line the dress. It's not rocket science.
I mean...your experience is your experience but every single brand on Earth (minus some plus-size only brands) makes size 8 garments.
I think that's because they are models.
Designers feel that designing for plus-size women will lessen the “exclusivity” of their line and will, in fact, cause their brand to erode over the long haul.
It's not hard to find flattering clothes for a size 8. Not hard at all.
I think her stuff is GORGEOUS 💃🏾.
Why not just buy what you Iike and stop obsessing about the label?
People are not “forced" to buy units. People buy units because they want to own assets and not pay rent until they are buried in the ground.
Academics do not make “bank.” By any definition of the word.
You think most male fashion designers really care to ogle women’s bodies?
No one pays to attend a fashion show.
You seem to have an issue understanding “objective” and “subjective.”
That’s where we disagree. I don’t think anyone has a “problem” because their dating preferences don’t include Black women, even if they themselves are Black. Their dating preferences are just as valid as yours or mine.
If DG prefers to date non-Black women—-for any reason—-that’s his beeswax. People can and should date and sex whomever they damn well please. I certainly do. I hope you do as well.
Okey dokey.