Hello Diane...

Colonizer is wonderful. The white folks in theater VISIBLY squirmed when it was said. No one giggled. Of course black folks were ROTFL!

Well, then you have to get into why you’re using it.

The entire way this country works is by convincing white people that they are the underdogs in their own personal movie. That anyone that is different is just like the baddies in every action movie they’ve ever watched where one white guy slaughters an arm full of brown people. And that we’re all just waiting for the

“Or maybe this fear is karmic. A belief that, once we “get on top,” we’ll treat them the way they’ve treated us. And that fear drives them to do whatever they can to maintain their position.”

This fear is why they’re so obsessed with arming themselves with multiple human killing machines. It’s why they fight against even the notion of incremental disarmament so vehemently. They are scared shitless of us. Of anyone who is not them.

You might want to check some of your figures here.

The clapbacks will come; color-averse caucasoids can’t calmly coexist.

Yet no one asked about the security checkpoint...which means only Wypipo are taken out of line for enhanced checks and cavity searches!!!

The only valid reply to a troll is “woof, woof, woof, woof...”

It’s kind of amazing how white people never know other white people are racist, yet a i bet any POC who worked there wasn’t at all surprised by this.

It’s almost like white people don’t want to know.

Bannon’s lost almost everything that he’s worked for: the administration’s ear, his job, Breitbart, and the backing of nativists. He’s an opportunist who has been abandoned and all of his machinations taken on by others. I wouldn’t be surprised if he rolled with Mueller to get his comeuppance and put on a face of


Well, damn. I was hoping the title would read “Ajit Pai - found dead under a bridge”.

My heart is a shriveled lump of coal but even I turn into a giggly school girl when I see Michelle and Barry. This is the kind of love I want. That’s it. I don’t want to accept anything else. I want a love filled with mutual respect, dedication and admiration, where both people pull their weight and do the work to

He has the HBO login everyone’s been using. What else could they do?

Where did you see me say anything about hating Applebee’s? Where did you see me say anything about boycotting etc? Nowhere in the article did I say any of that, so what are you talking about?

Every time I’m appalled by the repulsive shit spewing from Conway or Huckabee Sanders, it pops into my head: 53% of white women voted for Trump. Fifty-three percent. The mind fairly boggles.

I think they’re actually asking about the outfit Ms. Sherald is wearing in the photos from the unveiling ceremony.

What you want is sonos.

For starters you were the one trolling me.