Hello Diane...

Basically, they couldn’t get around to plagiarizing the work so they could claim it as theirs. Their only option is to discredit it. 

The Fan Fiction episodes had me laughing way too hard and got some strange looks from folks.  I do wish I could be a guest and talk to Nicole about her JarJar love.

Make Westing is one of the few spots on Broadway where white people haven’t completely run off Black folks.

The funny thing is I said you were right, and then you continued on kind of proving how these things happen eh? 

You okay?

Yes you’re right. I just wanted to add to the discussion by giving the dead an identity and thus communicate the value of their lives also. 

The president believes this was intentional and it doesn’t matter to me as long as more people didn’t die behind his bullshit.”

Justice for Juicy!!

Can this article be submitted for a Pulitzer? I’m not kidding.  In one commentary essay Michael has summed up so many catalysts for the state of America at this time. 

Your review was better than Perkins. I got more out of it than his critique. 

And SF proper is barely 4%

Take all the stars, just take them...

I’m just wondering how G/O Media is going to mess with y’all after this Deadspin Kotaku fiasco. A “Stop bringing up race” memo?

It literally says so in the article. 

Hope the weather works for y’all, all HBCU Homecomings deserve good weather.

At that point you just have to go Nuclear and go to a “Pink like ya Moms ____.”  Then be ready to duke it out.  If you lose, well you talked about his mamma, if you win then everybody will think twice.  #dumbkidsrules

Having Bass Reeves as a Black Savior to the praying White folks in the movie was some subversive shit.


Don’t forget mental health and yeah, the overture to Windrush had me gutted.