Hello Diane...

Damn it feels good to be a BISON. #therealHU

Stars, All the stars for you my dear....

The best day in my life is when I left that god forsaken, ass-backwards, land of inbred racist chucklefucks.

No, he’s not the greatest. But he is actively making other’s lives (if they survive) worse.

It’s been done. Can’t find the link but she got slammed to the ground hard and arrested. You probably already have an idea what happened to the cop.

There are many examples out there that get Black people get shot

Sounds like you work with Reba

True. That’s a special type of “no fucks to give” type of woman.

My soul was not ready.

yep sure did.


Yeah, after looking at his past I’m filing a challenge.

Hang in there.

It’s probably a good thing DMs are not allowed. Because when folks think they look like this

I swear this is getting so much use it’s starting to degrade digitally.

Hey! Why didn’t I see you at at the high school reunion? Oh, you didn’t go too?

Where do those legs end? <nods with approval>

Reared against the eastern sky
Proudly there on hilltop high,
Far above the lake so blue
Stands old Howard firm and true.

Was that a pun?