Hello Diane...

Run Forrest Run

You’d think he would considering his own grandchildren are Jewish.

Well said. If I could give more stars I would.

You weren’t clear. Not by a mile.

There’s a whole wing reserved.

Oh those poor commenters. They know not what’s coming ...

Deadspin is a mystery and I’ve been on it for years. Usually the author has to follow you, not the other way around. Sometimes Kinja gonna Kinja and will send you into the greys without warning.

I’m in the Bay so it’s been doomed. Thank God for the Warriors.

How did you end up grey?

#4080 Not everything is about race.

It truly prides itself on “doing _____ the right way.” Which is lecturing non-white, non-rich people that they are doing it wrong.

FB really killed all desire to go back to see those people who voted for Pre-Trump candidates, called me Nigger to my face and behind my back.

Brutal choices is definitely a theme in her books.

Oh this makes me so happy. I remember when I was young wandering through the bookstore (dang, remember them) and my eye suddenly being attracted to a colorful book cover with a brown face. It was Butler’s Kindred and next to that was Dawn. I bought them as fast as I could after reading the blurbs on the back cover.

“rapey vat of curdled Cheez Whiz Donald Trump and his cadre of paint thinner-dipped sociopathic marionettes.”

I’d miss Shrimp N Grits, a good Crawfish boil, Steak, watching Cavs fans after a loss to the Warriors. I must be hungry.

Now playing

Given that it’s Tuesday, I’ll add this.

“You can’t give any fucks about black people if you don’t give any fucks about people.”

Panama can you pull me out of the grey please? I already had a Kinja account but I’m the Notorious FWC back at the old spot.