There was a whole lot of mediocrity in that room.
There was a whole lot of mediocrity in that room.
Melania better watch out.
His grill though.
I get more and more worried for the United States every day. This descent into authoritarianism seems to be happening at a breakneck pace. Continued attacks on the press, the feckless lawmakers who have now gone silent and refuse to check this orange menace, the increased militarization of our police. Our own…
Gargamel looking motherfucker.
So the next time Trump says “Look at my African American over there”, hell me pointing at Kanye? Damn.
Yup. Had to school one of my coworkers on Friday about the birther nonsense. I was not having one bit of the #freeMelania BS. She was like “I guess you’re right”.
The Sunken Place is real.
My mother just used to yank the covers off me. That was enough.
But dents though.
Hope Hicks is resigning.
I believe him. Yup.
It used to accomodate a very weak Trump chin.
This was the 18th school shooting for the year. It’s February. Fucking February.
Maybe from his scalp reduction surgery many years back?
I’m reading this as I’m watching Predator. Side eye to you Rock.
Jones thanked the African American community in his victory speech.