
“Some people are very uncomfortable about teenagers transitioning…”

Better GR than any of the movies by a long shot.

They should be suing Jeep. Aren’t those supposed to be off-road vehicles?

Also didn’t he make up a story about his daughter being exposed to anthrax? People will ask her about that for YEARS as if it’s true.

“Artist" Greg Land.

Nice comment, but it belongs at Deadspin. Somebody should post it there.

Like all the other movies and stuff sure you shouldn’t need to watch it all. But who could follow Lost without watching the previous seasons? 

counterpoint, you SHOULD know what happened in the first season if you want to follow the second season

For me, it depends on the crime. There are many crimes for which one can be redeemed. I would speak on behalf of my friend if they were being charged with drunk driving or robbery. Possibly even murder. Because there can be extenuating circumstances. There can be grounds for redemption.

When they super sizing the filet o fish, though?

Perhaps a milquetoast late-night show should not even BE a high-stress environment

I watched the first run with a couple friends as appointment TV.

My recollection is that she never fit in with the group and it was just some long drawn out pain point that illustrated Ross was a desperate doofus that couldn’t be alone.

Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other friends?

You. You are the only one in this comment section who gets it.

I am a huge fan of Rebels-I watched it all with my kids (Clone Wars too), and the series is just great Star Wars. I can’t wait for this.

Agreed.  The fact Snyder things this is empowering or feminist has always been the biggest tip off he's a dumbass.  Its a really awful film best forgotten. 

Nobody needs a longer cut of Snyders fetish film. 

Whoa whoa whoa, we haven’t even gotten the Cats butthole cut yet, or the It’s Pat! Criterion release. We’re nowhere near the point of exhuming Sucker Punch for any reason. 

Please, no more Sucker Punch. It might be the most misogynistic studio movie ever made. A directors cut, especially after seeing the alt ending, could only make it worse. Somehow, Synder still doesn’t see this, or has taken it on board, and wants to revive that swill? Just stop giving this guy creative control over