
The fun part: wait until those lawyers see the mountains of data that the autonomous cars collect showing without a doubt that their client is at fault.

Ah yes, the always helpful “get a different job” tip.

You’re taking a lot of liberties in assessing what did and did not happen in this situation. I wonder if she actually did say this and not the perhaps bullshit that you assume she probably said. In my experience, teachers will often treat young students as if they are completely clueless to anything that their lesson

The situation wouldn’t have existed if the police were trained to fire only after being fired upon, rather than to fire if they feel “scared.” There is no reason that we should be making any excuses for the officer that killed an unarmed man. Not even “Well, it was a false call.” The police should be held to a higher

As do I.

The officer involved should also face review and potential charges, given the situation on the ground—but the folks who precipitated the situation need to eat the heavy end of the hammer.

Good. Here’s hoping the dude who passed Barriss the address receives similar charges.

There’s, “Oh, I’m trolling for the LOLz,” and then there’s SWATting. You call in an armed response team, you have to know there’s the potential for something to go wrong—and if you contact someone else to have them do it for you, then

I am sure you have been spending a lot of time speaking on the “Gish Gallop” recently.

Honestly, it’s been kind of a mixed bag.

I’ve now taught in the south, and the upper Midwest, and in both geographic areas, I’ve run into the same thing:

Some students are exceptionally well-prepared in terms of having a general grasp of classical logic and salient argument.

Most don’t know what they’re doing, but can

What value is there in these WH press briefings?

It doesn’t go airborne at 101 mph. That’s when the Ford’s flux capacitor kicks in and then you end up in the past and making out with your mom and nobody wants that. As a side note, the DeLorean’s fluxie would kick in at 88 because they couldn’t hit 10 mph. Hope that’s all cleared up for you.

Some really stupid comments here.

Eh. I have a Kia Soul EV and I LOVE it. I like the utilitarianess of the Soul and the benefits of an electric car: no stops at the gas station, no oil changes, etc.

Um, you know who pays when your HOA has to compensate you for something? All of your neighbors. Oh, and you.

Early adopters and EV geeks like the sleek futuristic look. Regular people want bland crossovers.

To Whom It May Concern:

While that’s an excellent timeline, I prefer the one where he experienced a complete meltdown on national live TV and was reduced to tears and repeating bingbingbingBONG and making gun shooty fingers at April Ryan because she was there and may have moved her head in an offensive way.

Yes, I agree. But we were talking about parallel universes. In my parallel universe, she chose to run and won by a landslide.

Let’s not forget that Elizabeth Warren chose not to run. And she chose not to be Hillary’s running mate. Ever since the “You Didn’t Build That” speech, people wanted her to run. And people still want her to run.

And one in which Elizabeth Warren has had a phenomenal first year as president.