
I don’t think anyone is reasonably expecting them to provide medical healthcare. But banning people who are mentally/emotionally vulnerable is pretty shitty.

Honestlly it would be helpful if Twitch created an automated bot that detected these messages and gave the number of the suicide prevention hotline to the person. Very similar to how Google works in that if you try to google how to kill yourself it turns back the suicide prevention hotline or other websites about how

I guess a win is a win is a win in the DNCs book, but they should realize that they just barely beat someone unelectable

While nobody likes a sore loser, Alabamians are almost 50/50 when it comes to child molesters.

This is the practical barrier everyone who wants institutions predicated on generating revenue ignores.

We (in Atlanta) called my brother (in Auburn) and threatened to pull his plate at Christmas breakfast and dinner if he didnt vote today. Black folks everywhere should take this win.

but strength certainly plays a role in driving race cars, especially at higher levels. Especially in F1. That’s just a fact

Yeah, but you don’t need to be a swole bro who can bench 300 to race F1. You need a strong core and upper body to deal with the Gs and you need incredible cardiovascular strength to manage the endurance. Yes, there are physical differences between men and women, but they aren’t profound enough to stop them from

The problem is that it isn’t bad tax policy at all. It’s really effective tax policy. You’re just operating under the entirely rational assumption that tax policy is driven by the needs of the majority of voters. Republicans aren’t. They’ve discovered its vastly more efficient to write tax policy that well fits the

No, they really believe it. As Pareene perspicaciously pointed out, Republicans used to sell magic elixirs to the public, but in doing so, they raised a new generation of Republican officeholders stupid enough to actually believe the bullshit that the Republican leaders of the past at least understood was bullshit in

The “american people” voted for Hillary Clinton though.

I think this is part of what is driving Republican’s insane desire to cut taxes for corporations and the rich. I think they genuinely believe that cutting taxes for corporations will help the economy (because they are stupid) and that if they fail to cut taxes, not only will their donors stop giving them money and

When I was a wee little kid in the 90s in I had no one to tell me about computer games or computer anything.

I’d hope they are promoting on merit, but I know that the Japanese OEMs in particular KEPT women from advancing. Any progress in this area should be highlighted.

Yeah. I started listening to NPR about a year ago and I’ve noticed they, for whatever reason, have had numerous profiles on these racist pieces of shit. One of the excuses was that ‘they arent going away anytime soon.’ Right. Because they keep getting featured in the news which fuels their ego. They also ran a profile

Flag and dismiss the nazi apologists, don’t engage!

That’s the first thing i thought of, Stepford wives for racists.