

I think it’s actually a reference to certificate of deposit accounts. Have you seen the interest rates on them lately?


SHTR FLL is fantasmic. Bravo.

Is “Primer” the designated 2018 Color of the Year or something? Between this Type R, the Tundra from Collins’ review today and basically every newish Subaru that’s been shown the past few weeks, the pattern is hard to miss...

An engine designed in this decade already makes them competitive with Subaru.


I wish I had a hipster to English dictionary so I could understand what you are saying.

“But I think now it would be a good time to have meaningful dialogue with that person and express the concerns out there regarding the language on the truck.”

Um, the Versa is in its own class of awful. That’s been established for years.

Yes, this is definitely a product of their darker days.

Honda’s manuals are in house. They only recently started using ZF autos in some of their cars.

Tell your doctor, or any medical professional, that you believe you have depression. They will ask some questions and then refer you to specialists for drugs and/or therapy. Don’t keep waiting for your depression to magically go away. Do something about it.

Warm up for a few minutes? In a modern car? No.

I’m pretty sure a manual transmission will not warm up just idling in the driveway.

“Make it ‘FlyingCat’ or ‘VoladorGato’, but for the love of god, don’t ever mix the two”

It depends on which one Millenials are killing.

Honestly, the most glad-to-have-a-convertible moments have been driving through cities with really tall buildings, and being far enough out of the city to look up at the stars.

Congratulations, Mr. PatBateman, Mr. 6Stringtheory and Mr. Patrick George, on COTD! I would like to gift you all with a convertible which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she finishes her snack.

Alanis, don’t take it personally. We all say things we don’t mean when we’re waiting in a service department for hours on end. Their frustration will inevitably lessen once they trade it in for something else.