
Is it just me or is the kid doing the canonball out for some broken bones. It´s not a pool but a jacuzzi. A not very deep jacuzzi, judging from the three steps into the water.

Too bad its CGI.

3 weeks is a really long time.... patient neighbours. (or stupid)

Its amazing that spit in an envelope is valuable.

You can shove stuff like this in peoples faces five times a day and 99% will stil not care. They would rather believe that nugetts and burgers come from a happy magic place.

See that is one thing that is starting to ruin my nights out, especially at concerts. All these god damned idiots who film a whole concert, with their shitty iphones.... vertically.

He forgot "No Talent".

Floppys... not floppy.... :)

I got the Dell Venue Pro and damn is it a killer of everything portable. Wuuuhhh...

I think they´re absolutely hideous. So 90´s.

@baandoptager: "10 Ways Windows Phone Is Broken" was also an unfair and horrible headline.

Hey... The headline suddenly transformed. I guess WP7 ain´t that broken anymore.

@SKiTz: quote- Gizmodo.

1: Multitasking is waaaaeeyyyyy overrated. Priroritizing is way better and with the deep integration of the most used social networking sites, you don´t need it that bad really.

White tees are so 90´s.

They should put Windows phone on this and i would pay big money for it. Even in orange.

They already conducted this test, its because of the pickles, mustard and ketchup combined. []