Damn i forgot to post my suggestion. It was called Fluff. It was a fluffer game. :)
Damn i forgot to post my suggestion. It was called Fluff. It was a fluffer game. :)
Well if they could fit more than a 3 minute song on the laquer side, it would be great. But for now it is merely a gimmick for making people pay more for plastic.
Giz should think bigger than Giz.
@Spoddy: They didn´t. Scandinavian 3g companies had this 5 years ago. And it worked, but nobody used it.
Seriously, has it come to this? Do you really have nothing better to post? No wonder my visits in here are further apart.
@Standish: No, which is good. Still the most confortable of all controllers.
@eug.o: same here...
I must admit that i kinda like it. At first i was a bit freaked, but now when looking at the details, i can see it look alot better lying down than the current one. Also the bezel in the top/bottom, looks awesome.
It´s so shocking that U.S even spends tax dollars pursuing stuff like this. The cops might aswell just bought them and ipad and just sent a letter instead.
@ilovetofu: YES!
@baandoptager: Saw the EVO the other day btw. It is freeeking nice. Uhhhhhuhhh...
Something for big hands is always welcome in my book. Iphones are for pretty ladies with tiny princess hands. :)
You know, Europe had video calling when 3g debuted. And it was fine.... nobody used it though besides deaf people. Because you looked retarded doing it. But i guess akward is the new black.
After my palm pre dies and i´m heading towards android.
Who cares about density on a phone when you can have 4.3" and qik calling. The Evo is much better looking aswell. I don´t get what´s up with apples steel/glass/black/white thing, it´s really soooo 90´s. Maybe i´m just bored with it since im scandinavian.
@Decad3nce: Ha ha, true dat. I heard he even jogs in that outfit.
@Hello Mister Walrus: That´s what i thought. I think it´s a clone.
That wasn´t much of a facetime demo. Maybe it´s because it sucked loads as over on the endgadget hands on. Furthermore we had pretty descent video calling in europe 5 years ago, there´s a reason why nobody loved or does it today...... It´s kinda lamo.
Its not an impossible mission. Most iphone/itouch users know and use apps as little as they use their video capabilities, atleast from what ive seen over here in scandinavia. For me, apps and games is not gamechanger. Also apps for apple users, i just a way to compensate for what apple does not do.
Chrome is fast and nice to look at. But it has some serious issues, and i was chocked it took so much power. Just trying to do stuff on the side (like opening pics and stuff) is now a bit more demanding. Controlling its own tabs? It doesnt really do good either. I am really dissapointed.