
@Orihalcon: I didn't mean (and thought I had made it clear with the not from me note) that you had provoked ME into a flame war.

@Orihalcon: Just a quick one from work...

@B52HVet: Damn, so much for short. I may be addicted to Kotaku...where was my warning?!?!?!

@Orihalcon: By all means, don't think that I'm taking offense. I enjoy a well thought out debate quite a bit.

@Orihalcon: Well, as this has turned into an interesting way to pass some time before work, here we go again:

@Orihalcon: Well, maybe it's your frustration with your past experience giving off the harsh tone, but I was agreeing with your first post.

@Orihalcon: While I do agree with you, the plain and simple fact (Hell, I'm guilty of it myself...3x lvl 80's) is that it's EASY.

Am I the only one that thinks the title pic looks exactly like the Lich King from WoW?

@Shimmergeek: Wow, man...bitter, are we? Last I recall, a patch note that discusses one of the more popular classes in the largest MMO out there was still deemed "news worthy".

Damn, so a game adaptation of a film series that's about 4 movies too long many get cancelled? What a shame.

@Spiderbait: So...given my screen name, what would you infer about me? (And no, I wasn't born in 1952. And I'm not a Veterinarian...common mistake) While yes, it does stand to reason that most times people are more than happy to put somewhat revealing info about themselves in their screen name, sometimes they are

Has to be Valkyria Chronicles, with a little Gran Turismo 5 Prologue mixed in...I'd love to say I was enthralled by Fallout, but (maybe it's just me) I really haven't been impressed. Ah well. At least I have the best RPG-ish game for PS3 to date to focus on.

Picked this up last night and was instantly hooked. Got through the first few chapters, and in my opinion it's worth every penny. I know I'll get flak for saying this, but I've enjoyed the first 4-5 chapters of this more than the entirety of Fallout 3.

Just got accepted into the closed beta, so it is still possible to register and get in.

$160 a year gets you...a Pontiac Solstice, or "Legends" class cars, 6 tracks (Though some are GREAT racing tracks), and other car classes and tracks appear to be all microtransactions.

No problems here with new discs, old discs, or DLC. Can't say I've had any issues at all.

I'll probably be playing either GT5P, Team Fortress 2, MGO or Burnout: Paradise. If anyone wants to play, look me up on PSN under this screen name.

Just my two cents here:

Just finished playing it my first time through (What? I work!) and I must say, this is overall one of the best games I've ever played. Can't say that there has been another title that pulled me in so deeply with the characters (even Final Fantasy).