
Can we at least keep the Phaeton in the Jalop fantasy driveway? Can use it to get to work when the Maser breaks down and we're not feeling scuzzy enough to drive the Vette.

I can't see much of a future for the brand, unfortunately. While I think the China theories have alot of potential, I can't see Cerberus giving up the truck and minivan line...it's the only thing that Dodge does well. Hopefully the Compass, Caliber, and PT go the way of the Edsel, but I wouldn't expect that in the

...First Chrysler, then that abomination "Weber" thing, and now this...The automotive apocalypse is nigh!

@Kuang: Thank you! Beautifully written, and hopefully now the things that make the Phaeton great can be better understood!

@Fitty7lax: I agree it's not all about build quality, as some of the other nominees make VERY clear...But the main points of the Phaeton that most people have missed are that: 1.) It's the most expensive "people's car" we'll ever see, 2.)As a car, it's not a thrill ride like the Ferarri, but it wasn't ever meant to

I know everyone's gunning for the Phaeton, but come on! All it takes is driving one to see why its' in the garage in the first place. Compare the quality found in that to the overall craptacular build "quality" and "sports car feel" of the ZR-1...Easy choice! Do you really want an iconic American car to be


Yep...could have happily lived out the rest of my years without EVER knowing what a "goatse" was...excuse me while I go vomit & pour rubbing alcohol in my eyes.

It's tools like this that give salespeople a bad name. This isn't the 70's...There are no more polyester suit wearing snake oil salesmen left. Your average salesperson now is working 60-80 hours a week and barely making enough to get by. We're no different than anyone else in sales...care to guess how much profit

Wonder how long it takes to stuff that kid into that costume....

Rumble seats mean big rear fenders...perfect for the (fingers crossed) return of curves as opposed to sharp angles to the car market. Here's more rumble seat goodness for ya...

FIFTYFUCKINGTHOUSANDDOLLARS! Must've damaged this guy's mullet when he fell off the turnip truck. Jeeeezus.

What can I say that hasn't been said...Vega, the first paragraph of your rebuttal is accurate and well spoken. While you're entitled to your opinion on the "testosterone in a restrictive society" bit, similar things occur in Bay Area "Side Shows" by our current braindead generation of teens.

Don't forget "Tor Red"...were either 1500 or 2500 of those done for '06.

Heeey...found the inspiration for this catastrophe!

There's actually another one of these running around town done up as a "show car". Chrome wheels, paint, etc. I'll try to grab some shots the next time I see it. There's also a Fiat-amino I've seen...will dig that up if I can.

Three words...

So the message is "Be a puppet, buy a Skoda"?...Eh, no thanks. And hell yes the puppets are creepy! WTF is going on with VW lately?? Make the creepy puppets go away...

*wipes drool off the keyboard* WOW! Not since my first MGB GT (and maybe the first time I drove an Elise) has a small coupe brought forth such a feeling. I want one...Damn shame it'll probably never make it here...

Used to work for a Dodge dealer when the Caliber first hit...The iPod slot won't really accomodate most models...my 4th gen 60gig did fit, but I basically had to stretch the plastic to make it work. Not fun. And I agreee..the AUX input on the base stereo but not the Boston Acoustics model is JUNK.