
Milo’s chasing kids at the park, and Bannon’s going back to his troll den.

Richard Spencer is not going to associate with Jason Kessler anymore, huh?

He’s not going to go after Trump, he’s going to destroy the GOP and use Trump and the basket of deplorables to create a National American Something-begining-with-Z Independence Party…

If that Ouroboros was a cock, it would be so much better for a Bannon article.

At this point, I want it to all burn. I want those who voted for him to be held accountable. There is no excuse for ignorance and they should be able to carry that shame for the rest of their lives so we don’t have a repeat of this.

May they eternally slap each other’s tits in Hell.

Love how people are “Dahling, I’d adore to but I have to wash my hair. Also, you are a racist pig-dog and a traitor. Kisses. And by kisses I mean die.”

Please, PLEASE Google this woman. ‘Dancer and choreographer’ doesn’t do her justice. She is a living legend.

the only confirmed attendee is LL Cool J

I do love it how the only minorities they could find for the article to support him are ones all paid by Trump at some point.

I also find it really sad. I think if I had been in high school or college when this came out, I might have shrugged, too, honestly. I was hanging around and seeking approval of complete assholes at the time.

I’m actually so so sad for women (and pissed at their complicity) that wrote off the pussy Tape as “typical guy stuff.” What the fuck kind of men do you have in your life where that is normal? I’ve known a lot of men, and that is definitely not normal

I can’t wait for her and Hope to battle it out on the next hit reality show The Neo-Führer’s New Trophy Wife.

I don’t know who he is, but he looks like all three Hansons melded into one.

I dunno, something smells like fish, and it’s not Steve Bannon’s fat folds. I think this is a classic case of pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He’s doing this to distract from something else that’s coming down the pike, that’s even more crazy.

i’m going to assume this isn’t a #notallwhite people comment, and you are speaking to this sentence:

Everytime black people have used violence to liberate themselves throughout the diaspora, it’s always been due to the following