
I agree. I think it sets a bad precedent, he did serve his time (even if it was a ridiculously lenient sentence, he served it), and he should be able to get on with his life. I also seriously doubt he would put himself in the same kind of situation again.

This comment should be at the top.

My sister worked on the SpongeBob movie and she said they had piles of all kinds of shit with him on it, just waiting to be accepted for marketing. I’m sure everyone went through the proper channels to market this. (/s, in case that’s needed)

In my case it was more like, lazy procrastinators put things off until they HAVE to be done.

My ex and I finally got a divorce when he wanted to remarry (I’m still not sure it was final before he got married).

Raw onions only - preferably red. Then pickles, tomato, lettuce. Mustard on the bottom bun, mayo on the top. Super-messy, but I love the way the mayo drips down through all the other toppings.

Skyline chili?!?!! Ewwwww!

I like to put thinly sliced onions on top of the cheese so they settle in.

This is what I did for my kids before they could eat solid foods.

I haven’t read her response, but I will. At this point, I still think there is just not enough real information (useful, clean data) to make these kind of statements, and it’s dangerous to the trans-community because people will read this and doubt other people’s authentic experiences. And as stated above, many of the

Well, I’m glad to have my faith in Savage returned, I’m not sure how I got that confused!
While I don’t think the author deserves death threats, I understand why some people would be highly angered by the piece. It was dangerous and irresponsible to the trans community. What you might call “click-bait.”

Yes, to all of that! It’s been a couple of weeks since I read the article and really didn’t care to read it again, but all of those things were bothersome to me - the last being the one I was unable to put my finger on, because I do not have first hand experience, but you stated it well. (I likened it to women who

That article was highly problematic with their small datasets and anecdotal information. It also centered a lot on gender non-conforming people, which is different than transgender. I think Dan Savage was irresponsible and short-sighted in writing that, I’m disappointed in him.

Thank you.


Most places have sell it by the stock, it’s just a bit more expensive - which doesn’t really matter when you’re buying celery!

I’m starring this to support you, not because I like it.

I wished I had more stars to give.

Not sure how old you are, but this is how I grew up, too. I was in the first generation of “latch-key children,” and became quite adept at taking care of myself at a young age. (I had two sisters, so there was safety in numbers, and my Mom raised some no-nonsense girls)
We’d ride our bikes all day, play in the creek

I remember my mom would leave my sisters and me in the car when she’d go to the store. We had a game we played called “patience” in which we flipped over the front bench seat to the back seat and back over again as many times as we could, saying “patience” the whole time.
Good memories (this was early 70's).