a couple of other tips;
a couple of other tips;
@Corvus-Corax: it's true folks! it really does!!
@87CapriceEstate: meh, from what i remember it really wasn't that good.
all i know is that when the car says 0km till empty it actually means keep going you can still do another 25 to 30 km.
stupid spelling test... i had to Google the spelling for Maserati(sp) lamborghini(sp) and peugeot(sp)
I must say that it sounded very James May'ish to me.... i suspect that the good professor is none other that James May, the finest Bentley driver... in the world.
"Did the American work ethic die with it?"
@ploopsy: EXACTLY!! Jim Mackenzie I can understand, but a regular reporter who one day decides to be a "Automobile Journalist" doesn't really cut it.
Great, just great. he wrecked the Ontario press car - stupid Globe reporters
@Kestrel1: oh i do, you should see my left calf... STRONG LIKE BULL!
the most pointless car feature? that's easy! Automatic Transmissions
another tip is to hire a broker to do all the negotiating for you. here is a report from Edmunds regarding the jist of it... [tinyurl.com]
scary math, way over my head.
that was some violent collision there! i am shocked that everyone is OK
@FormerlyPreferredCustomer: yeah, same problem with a Caddy DeVille - perverted, sick engineers... my wife didn't mind so much...
@Scuba Steve: or screw 10 really fat ugly chicks for $10,000 each... hey big girls need lovin' too ya know!
That's two towns to the left from my place.
Don't forget to shut off traction control first