
so I guess using a Mr Clean Magic Eraser is out of the question?

that poster that states "Obama is a Cracker" makes no sense!

@Mischif: yes, like those wrinkle dogs, the extra skin adds resilience when being attacked by a pit bull...

@zeeboid: I dub thee Suzuki Chick...

@oddfish: close, the girl hand on the right is Ray.

@B1663R: oh hey wait!! i found something!!

well, I've got nothing... i am utterly speechless

so is this what the Audi A1 is gonna look like?

Jesus, it's not even 10 o'clock in the AM and you're drunk aren't you?

@B1663R: not bad, 30 minutes to rip an exact copy. need to shrink it afterwards... got a little spam at the end but tht's ok

@AnthonyRich2005: 4 - 5 years is really not that old for a laptop...

@tjjex: well, i'm backing up a dvd with it right now... we'll see

@Baby beater Benz: sorry, on behalf of Generation X i would like to apologize. we just wanna relive our childhood vicariously through cinematic arts.

@Saboth: he suppose to look friendly Mr T was a role model for like millions of kids and no one to this day knows why.

@ShantJ: Nope, just Ontario...

it makes sense to me, what is a $30.00 parking ticket to a millionaire?

something tells me that it's not going to be as aggressive as it looks

@Baby beater Benz: yep, idiot proof factories now mean no one can get hurt in a comical fashion... China factory videos are WAY funnier...

one guy, just one freaking guy wearing safety glasses...