
And I thought this meme was dead!


just download the beta and play, right? I know, I know.. the hardest part is deciding which old game to uninstall from your Xbox

Miatas would be Prozac.

Try pronouncing Infiniti with all long “I”s... e.g. Ein-fine-I-tie. takes a couple tries to get it lol

This guy I live with is impossible. Anxiety is going through the roof on how to handle this guy. Here are the recently developed situations because of an ongoing not-getting-along feud. Im going to see if I can cut out of my lease early, ends in November.

Look at a used ATS in your area! They have depreciated so much, you can score a 2013 model for $20 grand!

Im pretty sure the girl on the left is wearing Uggs. Def not sexy

This is nothing compared to what “ShoeNice” and “BigErn666" do for the LiveLeak community. They’ve been one-upping each other lately. What started as casual half-gallon liqour slams, turned into BigErn chugging Elmer’s glue and ShoeNice supergluing his lips shut. I bet they both drink washer fluid for breakfast. These

“Larry, up! Get it up!”

They were clearly trying to represent the time when Ortiz exclaimed to the crowd, “This is our fucking city” shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing.

Me too! Knew it was an Alero lol

Furthermore, the rear wheels where Sonic’s legs are spinning, aren’t even the driven wheels!

Maybe they can re-source Luigi’s Vacuum!

Team Valor strikes again

yea the uncharted one where dude goes sideways after grabbing the wheel had me rolling good!

If its random, how come all I see around my place are Pidgeys, Rattatas, and goddamn Weedles!

Just stop using your phone while driving, morons.
