
And that they were approved twice by the Obama administration as legal.

It’s a Lifehacker article, sure, but people read Lifehacker articles. And then they talk to their friends. And their friends talk, and someone calls a politician. Or maybe a politician is a reader.

I don’t trust the republican who doesn’t understand how a woman’s reproductive system works to enact any reasonable healthcare for women.

“Basically, it let’s you pull the trigger once and empty an entire clip lickity split”.

I agree this is one of those SJW type responses that simply infuriates/ alienates regular people rather than actually solving a problem

Because they don’t pay into the system. We don’t believe the system should be bypassed we believe it should be simplified. We still need some government. We believe in law and order. These people are criminals.

Well at least we don’t have someone who used an unauthorized email server as president.

No doubts for you, obviously. You were practically there. I don’t have to create doubt because there is already a statement. Her father relayed that the guy had walked away, so they got out of the car, and then he came back after them.

We get it. You use an Android phone.

LOL Face ID failed in it’s first public demo ever.

As long as you label half the country as “dumb people” and assume all those on your side aren’t dumb, divisions will continue.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Well, for what it’s worth, this is my gun-loving YouTuber:

California’s reputation for progressivism and tolerance is not deserved. Our state is run by oligarchs, and Silicon Valley is no better than Wall Street. We have an affordable housing crisis, and despite decades of Democratic control, some of the deepest divisions between rich and poor that exist anywhere.

ESPN not liberal? Not sure what channel they’re watching - BYU Sports?

It can be both.

They’ve already announced their first celebrity spokesperson.

I’m not interested in playing your game,both parties a full of murderous scumbags.

100% Russia, and this is a practice run before hitting the USA

That’s what you get with the left. They don’t understand that free speech isnt the same as free from consequences. She probably should have designated the interview as a ‘safe space’, and the magical warding would have protected her.