
Well Joe Walsh, sad stories don’t obligate anyone but in reality we already pay for the health insurance of the poor when they go to the emergency rooms and are not refused treatment and don’t have money to pay. Who do you think covers those cost? The taxpayer. Seems like a better use for our money would be wellness

“How I wrote two books no one has ever heard of or cares about then used Gizmodo in an attempt to promote them.”

He is hardly typical for republicans, and your descriptors describe both the far right AND far left pretty well.

i have a bad feeling about this...

“Sorry Jerry, I just want to play plutocracy.”

You know who else is a fucking asshole? Whoever decided to add infinite scrolling to Kinja websites. I hope they get fired.

Artist - It’s a vision to show the emotional connection between people and clothes.

Where have we seen Will getting squidy?

Appears that the cops agree with you at this point. Moral: don’t point a gun if you don’t wanna be shot by a gun.

So, cause of death? Falling face first into an open grave? How Scooby Doo of him. I bet if you pulled on his face it would reveal old man Jenkins who ran the local Medieval Reminiscence fair. Which back in those days was just called the Fair.