
It comes from the other side of the median. Jesus Christ.

So what? Let the market decide how it reacts or doesnt to these, thats the joy of capitalism. The owner can be a dick and not let the guy eat there and lose business, or let people have their opinions and make a nickel. Your opinion and article doesnt really matter.

All of this advice, even yours, is crap. It’s simple. Eat less calorie than you burn and you lose weight. Lose weight and you get abs. The end.

So let me get all this Weinstein stuff. Celebrities were up in arms over a Trump recording with him talking shit (but no actual proof), and yet these assholes stayed silent about Weinstein so they could keep getting movie roles, and not rock the boat? How many people wouldn’t have been assaulted if any of these

They can’t wear it “naturally”. Men have to keep it short and can’t have facial hair, women have to keep it short or in a bun, the end. Corn rows and dreads aren’t natural, they’re cultural. Exceptions are made for spec-ops who need to blend in for a certain mission. Get over yourself

You’re not supposed to “get it”. It’s part of makin everything the same as much as possible. There’s a reason why the US army does things the way they do, and some whiny millennial who gets their feelings hurt isn’t going to change it, nor should it.

It’s not anti-black, it’s “here are our regulations”. Just like white women have to have their hair super short or in a bun when in uniform, men have to have their hair cropped and no facial hair (unless you’re special forces, and even then it depends on your mission).

Sounds like he’s using some common sense. Black people that call themselves African American aren’t, unless they immigrated or one of their parents is from Africa. Other than that, they’re black with an African background.

“Notice in EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT that the DPRK put out, they always take care to stress that they won’t use their nukes except in defense. “

Yea, but you’re not reading that right. They also think that the war games we’ve had for years are actual threats, and they’re just covering their ass and making an excuse to

And there it is. You’re so racist and anti-Trump that you can’t see the forest for the trees. Tell me this: what is so hard about following the rules of our nation? Our laws as a country say you can’t come in without being granted permission. The end.

Since you’re going to label law enforcement as racist, be sure to not call 911 if the need ever arises.

You’re so full of shit it’s embarassing. You’re excusing the actions of illegals because of feelings. It’s extremely simple.

No they dont, you’re reading bullshit. The people they’re rounding up are noted illegals, thats how they get them. They arent just targeting brown people.

She’s legal, dipshit.

Because, silly, the Democrats don’t really care. They promise trinkets and free stuff just to keep the votes coming in.
Republicans arent that much better, but at least they try and hide it a little more.

I think part of the problem is people who decide like you that we should ignore laws based on feelings.

The whole “left hand” is for the crazy radicals, where right-hands are meant to be for eating/handshaking/etc, and the left hand is for “dirty” tasks. Its basically interpreted as using your left hand to wipe your ass then handing it out to someone.  

Good luck with that. These are the people that think if you didnt vote for obama you’re racist, if you didnt vote for hillary, you hate women.

“I sympathized with everything he was saying, but I know many people who’ve crossed the river without papers, and they are good people.”

That’s besides the point. Nation of laws = nation of laws. Follow them.

You should take your head out of your ass. That’s like saying most Bernie or Hillary supporters are hipsters who think they’re entitled to everyone.