That has nothing to do with this. He walked away from his contract because he thought he could earn more, and nobody picked him up, and now he’s going to make excuses.
That has nothing to do with this. He walked away from his contract because he thought he could earn more, and nobody picked him up, and now he’s going to make excuses.
Never found guilty, the charges were all found to be false. Hell, Ray Lewis killed a guy and he’s an ESPN announcer.
Somehow this makes you racist. I don’t quite know how, but you said something bad about him.
So let me get this straight. He’s an average backup qb, he walked away from his contract thinking he could do better, and now that nobody wants to hire him and pay he what he thinks he’s worth, he thinks the problem is everyone else? people are the worst.
Jesus, Martin Luther King would kill himself if he saw how hateful and racist people like you are. You’re a fucking embarrassment.
If I was as angry and racist as you, I’d take my car into a ditch.
Let me spell it out for you, since you’re obviously slightly retarded. Free speech doesn’t mean your employer holds your job. It means you can say “I hate the pres” and swat ain’t going to come take you away. It also means your employer can see that tweet and say “we see that tweet, and as a company it doesn’t help us…
Probably afraid of being labeled racist.That’s the go-to label when anything remotely negative happens to a black person.
Uh, Trayvon was shot by a George Zimmerman, a hispanic citizen. Michael Brown got what he deserved.
An influencer? So you use your ‘sort of’ hotness to get people to buy crap they don’t need. Great talent.
Forest for the trees. You’re the type of racist that will defend a black person who has done wrong just because they’re black. You’re a worthless racist who’s going to go through life bitter and angry. Good luck with that.
I’m so sorry that you are so pro-black, you can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m so sorry that you’ll spend your life being angry and hating people for their skin tone. I’m so sorry that by your very definition, this “black” site is racist.
Youre the idiot who thinks just because you had a constitutional right means you can say what you want and not lose your job. But what can I expect. You’re just an anti-white, pro-black “no matter what” racist who I bet voted twice for Obama just because he was black and didn’t have a clue or care about his policies…
Who’s we? And who’s them?
That’s you’re right, take your ball and go home
ESPN isn’t anti black. It’s anti backlash did you forget they fired a guy who happens to have the name Robert Lee, just because they think black people would throw a shitfit?
Are you too dumb to understand that the first amendment doesn’t protect your job?
It’s not really protected off company time. You can tweet at home on your day off, but if your boss sees it and doesn’t want it associated with their company, they have every right to fire you. All these people crying about free speech don’t seem to grasp that. All free speech does is keeping the government from…