Gun shows require it to idiot. Private to private don’t. Go away until you learn what you’re talking about.
Gun shows require it to idiot. Private to private don’t. Go away until you learn what you’re talking about.
There are already universal background checks dipshit. Go try and buy a firearm from a store and they’ll run a check through the federal instant check. If there are no issues then you’re fine. You don’t know shit.
Jesus. So we ban semi auto pistols too? We should ban anything that can be purchase legally and converted to something illegal shouldn’t we.
It’s ok. I used to be an angry virgin too.
If you go to cvs, they probably have cream for your pussy.
You’re the reason why Trump won. People are tired of condescending little shits like you. I’d love to see you say something face to face to someone. Get this through your head. NOBODY cares about you and your liberal views anymore.
Weapons of mass destruction? Are you retarded? Do you know how many semi-auto rifles sit in safes, or are taken to the range maybe twice a month? You’re a fucking idiot
Great response. Typical.
I’m not clicking your link. Have an original thought or fuck off.
Say it with ME now. “Making it harder for law abiding citizens to buy a product because of a crazy IS taking rights away from the majority”.
Do you think the NRA or law abiding gun owners support this clown? No we don’t. All the NRA is doing is protecting the rights of 300 milllion gun owners so they aren’t taken away by the actions of a few crazies. Unless you want that logic to apply to every facet of life.
I clicked your little link, and stopped after the first one said this
You’re the one crying for change, so bring one. I already listed two and they don’t work, so tell me what grand idea you have that’s better? Have an original thought instead of posting some stupid link. If you can’t, then fuck off.
I do want it to stop, I rarely go to big events anymore because of this kind of crap. But you and people like you cry “make it stop” and you have no ideas on how, other than standing their long enough hoping someone else will change it.
I’m upset as well, so eat a dick. But a tragedy doesn’t mean you take away the rights of others. Are you ready to ban cars because of accidents? Alcohol because of drunk driving wrecks? Fast food because it causes obesity related diseases?
It’s not a political issue at all, unless you’re taking into account the fake sadness from republicans and Democrats.
Buy me dinner first, at least. Like a gentleman.
Wag, little liberal is triggered and can’t debate without name calling .
Unless you’re fat and slow.
Hillary had quite a few